The result of Play-Doh and an eight-hour conference.

First mankind invented the wheel, then invented the cocktail, and, by necessity, invented the lime-wheel.

Big wheel of Brie, over a hot flame, surrounded by spicy, fruit salsa. Serve this with tortilla chips and artisanal baguette for a fantastic crowd-pleaser.

A big board of baguette about to be layered with charcuterie, cheese, and dip.

Half Aussie, half Lab. I'm pretty sure he was rolled in oil at birth (or so he appears to have been). A sophisticated guy who wears plaid, sneaks sausages from the fridge, loves running around, and eating yard-toast. The best companion a person could ask for.

A delicious fruit and cheese board, accompanied by fantastic chardonnay, pinot, and cab.

A sunny fall afternoon at about 800 feet in Sonoma Valley. The grapes are beginning to go dormant for winter.

Not all grapes get to become wine. Can you see the botrytis beginning to form?

Marshmallows, sugar, butter, and it's orange! What's not to like!?

Found this growing in the salad crisper, so I decided to plant it.

A stalwart soldier that burned brightly, even if nobody directly noticed.

Even though fall is here, this beautiful leaf wasn't ready to turn to auburn.